Services / Programs
In New Jersey, the Child Support Program is supervised by the state Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development, Office of Child Support Services, and is administered in individual counties. Most of your business will be handled at county offices.
The county offices:
- The county Boards of Social Services; also known as welfare agencies, handle child support cases. The agencies work to find non-custodial parents, establish paternity and file complaints with the courts for child support and paternity. They also provide access to welfare, Medicaid, child care and employment services.
- The county Family Courts schedule, conduct, record and keep track of court hearings and orders in a child support case, including issues of custody and visitation.
- The county Probation Divisions monitor money due and paid for child support and help make sure the support continues getting paid through various enforcement efforts, if necessary.
The Family Court and Probation Divisions are supervised by the NJ Administrative Office of the Courts.
In the Judiciary, the ombudsman is a neutral staff person who answers questions, addresses concerns from the public and is responsible for enhancing customer service in the courts. The ombudsman provides a bridge between the courts and the community, to enhance public access and improve customer service. Although the ombudsman is unable to provide legal advice - because court staff must be neutral and impartial - the ombudsman can help guide court users through the system with as much ease as possible. The ombudsman's goal is to provide information in an attempt to prevent misunderstandings before they occur. To reach your local Ombudsman, please visit
NJCourts here.
To find county office information
click here. There is also a listing in the blue pages of the phone book under county: Board of Social Services, Welfare of Family and Probation.