Click here to view the interactive infographic. PDF: English version | Spanish version Termination of Child Support Law* On February 1, 2017, the termination of child support law went into effect. This law established 19 as the age when a child support an...
3/6/2017 4:16:56 PM
Termination Law Basics What does this new termination of child support law do? Can child support be continued beyond the child's 19th birthday? Can a child support obligation be exempt from automatic termination upon the child's 19th birthday? ...
8/8/2016 2:18:38 PM
Termination Law Basics What does this new termination of child support law do? What is the effective date of this law? Can child support be continued beyond the child's 19th birthday? Can a child support obligation be exempt from automa...
8/3/2016 10:55:56 AM
When you already have a court order that specifies when support terminates and/or the emancipation of the child(ren). If there is an existing Judgment of Divorce (JOD), Property Settlement Agreement (PSA) or other support order that specifies a termination date other than th...
3/6/2017 4:15:56 PM
The New Jersey Office of Child Support is currently implementing a program called the Work Requirements Judicial Benchcard Initiative. The program is being piloted as a national demonstration project through the collaborative efforts of the federal Departments of Labor; He...
6/22/2012 6:10:14 AM
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