Married Parents: When a child is born to married parents, the husband is presumed to be the legal father and his name appears on the child’s birth certificate. In this situation, paternity does not need to be established to proceed with the child support process. Unmar...
7/23/2012 6:16:15 PM
UPDATE 5/7/09 NOTICE: Why has my regular support amount changed? Your overall support order amount will not change unless your case has recently been modified or a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) has been applied. However, the amount you see in each payment may c...
7/23/2012 4:36:57 PM
What is web chat? Do I need a Member ID and PIN to access web chat? What if I don't have a Member ID or PIN? Am I eligible for the live chat? How do I register for web chat? When is web chat available? Is my information kept confidential during the live chat? Engl...
8/8/2016 2:54:37 PM
Child support payments are received and processed by the New Jersey Family Support Payment Center (NJFSPC), a centralized center. Non-custodial parents who are not paying child support through income withholding must make payments as directed by court order, whether weekly...
6/15/2012 1:02:16 PM
Payment Option Where to Pay How Long it Takes Fee Per Transaction What You'll Need More Info Pay with cash at participating retailers CVS Pharmacy 7-Eleven Family Dollar U...
1/30/2019 11:04:11 AM
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