Warrants may be issued in connection with a child support case if the non-custodial parent doesn’t appear for a court date or doesn’t comply with the court order(s). Arrest from a warrant may lead to incarceration.
6/7/2012 7:05:31 PM
Child Support Tax Refund Offset If a non-custodial parent has unpaid child support and is entitled to a federal or state tax refund or a homestead or other rebate, that refund may go to pay the child support order. For more information, click here . Earned Income ...
1/23/2017 3:35:55 PM
Child Support Arrears Match Program Frequently Asked Questions Q. What is the Arrears Match Program? A. The child support program will match payments you make towards your child support case and credit the same amount towards your arrears balance owed t...
8/13/2021 12:29:17 PM
Emancipation: Emancipation is when a child reaches 18 years and/or becomes financially independent. A child is not automatically emancipated at the age of 18. The courts determine emancipation on an individual basis. New Jersey has no fixed age or specific event ...
7/23/2012 6:12:57 PM
The use or release of information about applicants or recipients of child support enforcement services, including legal guardians, presumed fathers and non-custodial parents will be only in direct connection with obtaining and enforcing child support. This information ...
7/23/2012 6:17:33 PM
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