
If there is an existing Judgment of Divorce (JOD), Property or Marital Settlement Agreement (PSA or MSA), or support order that specifies a termination and/or emancipation date other than the dependent's 19th birthday, that date is still valid and must be honored as long as ...
/Termination-Information-for-Non-Custodial-Parents 3/6/2017 4:16:19 PM
New Jersey Career Connections This NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development website provides employment resources including job search, One-Stop Career Center information, education and training and much more.   Employment Resource Assistance Program thr...
/Services-Programs/Other-Social-Services/Other-Social-Services/Employment-and-Professional-Services-Links 10/30/2013 3:56:31 PM
NJ 2-1-1 NJ 2-1-1 can help you find solutions to personal needs by informing you of resources in your community like day care facilities, shelters, affordable housing units, social services, employment training programs, senior services, medical insurance and more. Learn ...
/Services-Programs/Other-Social-Services/Other-Social-Services/General-Information-and-Directory-Websites 10/30/2013 10:16:48 AM
Access to information on child, maternal and family health services, including linkage to publicly-funded health insurance programs and referrals to local health care services; Development of  "Family Success" plans, which address strengths and challenges and ...
/Services-Programs/Fatherhood/Fatherhood/Directory-of-Family-Success-Centers 9/12/2012 6:53:07 PM
New Jersey Child Support is more than just money.  The Office of Child Support Services is committed to strengthening New Jersey families by connecting them with other social services and assistance programs.  Below is a comprehensive directory of these programs and links to a...
/Services-Programs/Other-Social-Services/Other-Social-Services/Other-Social-Services 10/30/2013 10:29:03 AM
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