Yes, cases will be reviewed on a case by case basis, however please note that capacity for enforcement is reduced at this time.
3/25/2020 5:33:35 PM
A : Sure, but get ready for some heavy reading. The complete text and charts of the Guidelines is more than 100 pages (in full-size type). The Guidelines in NJ are a Court Rule . The Rule number is 5:6A (the actual charts are an Appendix to the Rule, in the the back of...
6/1/2012 12:38:19 PM
There once was a speedy hare who bragged about how fast he could run. Tired of hearing him boast, Slow and Steady, the tortoise, challenged him to a race. All the animals in the forest gathered to watch. Hare ran down the road for a while and then and paused to rest. H...
8/7/2012 7:37:08 PM
A : Maybe, but you will need to do your homework! The law says the Court must apply the Guidelines unless there is a very special reason not to use them. If you want an exception made for your case, you must be ready to show the Court the special reason. Some of the reasons...
6/1/2012 12:38:21 PM
There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, 'Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!' The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf aw...
8/7/2012 7:26:59 PM
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