In New Jersey, the Child Support Program is supervised by the state Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development, Office of Child Support Services, and is administered in individual counties. Most of your business will be handled at county offices. The coun...
5/17/2012 3:31:35 PM
1 - Deciding the Fair Income of Both Parents - There are many pages in the Rule that talk about different kinds of money. The law says that almost all kinds of income must be used to calculate child support; even things like overtime, lottery winnings, and unemployment bene...
6/22/2012 6:26:51 AM
EPPICard has transitioned to a Way2Go Prepaid Debit Card for your child support payments. If you had activity on your EPPICard in the last 18 months*: You received a new Way2Go card on or around October 20, 2021. You must register the new card on
10/21/2021 4:30:02 PM
The Father Center of New Jersey 4 N. Broad Street Suite 2R Trenton, NJ 08060 1-609-695-3663 Parenting Education Work readiness training/job search/job placement assistance Resume Development Anger Management Computer Li...
9/12/2012 6:36:04 PM
When you already have a court order that specifies when support terminates and/or the emancipation of the child(ren). If there is an existing Judgment of Divorce (JOD), Property Settlement Agreement (PSA) or other support order that specifies a termination date other than th...
3/6/2017 4:15:56 PM
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