
If it is necessary for you to go to court, there are several ways to prepare. You can go on your own or with the help of a lawyer.  If you can’t afford a lawyer you can contact Legal Services of New Jersey at 1-888-LSNJLAW (1-888-576-5529) or visit the website here . You may ...
/Services-Programs/Non-Custodial-Parents/Establishing-the-order-for-child-support/Going-to-court 6/5/2012 6:32:53 PM
Child Support Tax Refund Offset If a non-custodial parent has unpaid child support and is entitled to a federal or state tax refund or a homestead or other rebate, that refund may go to pay the child support order. For more information,  click here . Earned Income ...
/Services-Programs/Other-Social-Services/Other-Social-Services/Tax-Information-and-Preparation-Services 1/23/2017 3:35:55 PM
In New Jersey, the Child Support Program is supervised by the state Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development, Office of Child Support Services, and is administered in individual counties. Most of your business will be handled at county offices. The coun...
/Services-Programs 5/17/2012 3:31:35 PM
The NJ Office of Child Support & Paternity Programs (OCSPP) realizes that under Operation Enduring Freedom, many of you may be called to active duty, both at home and abroad. First and foremost, we join those who thank you for your service to our country. OCSPP also re...
/Resources-Forms/Non-Custodial-Parents/Child-support-information-for-recently-activated-n/Child-support-information-for-recently-activated-n 6/22/2012 7:20:45 AM
Termination Law Basics What does this new termination of child support law do? What is the effective date of this law? Can child support be continued beyond the child's 19th birthday? Can a child support obligation be exempt from automa...
/Termination-FAQs 8/3/2016 10:55:56 AM
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