We are here to help you do the right things Committed to assisting parents to obtain the financial support necessary for their children to prosper in a stable setting, the Office of Child Support Services is equally dedicated to helping parents understand how critical the...
5/17/2012 3:32:07 PM
Emancipation: Emancipation is when a child reaches 18 years and/or becomes financially independent. A child is not automatically emancipated at the age of 18. The courts determine emancipation on an individual basis. New Jersey has no fixed age or specific event ...
7/23/2012 6:12:57 PM
B Y royal proclamation, the Emperor of China announced a contest to decide the next heir to the throne. The Emperor was old and had no son, and because he had been a plant-lover for years, he declared that any boy who wanted to be king should come to the palace to receive...
8/7/2012 7:38:23 PM
The first step in establishing an order is to determine the amount of child support and to determine if health coverage is available. This is determined by the New Jersey Support Guidelines . These Supreme Court-approved guidelines are applied in all child support cases....
6/5/2012 6:11:01 PM
Information about the Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) and how it may affect child support orders http://www.dix.army.mil/LegalOffice/files/SCRA.pdf Regulations that govern support obligations, paternity and child support issues for each branch of service: ...
9/12/2012 7:49:12 PM
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