If you need financial help, either temporarily or in addition to child support, there is help in New Jersey! Work First New Jersey (WFNJ) offers eligible families financial help and other support services – such as child care , Medicaid and NJ SNAP benefits (formerly ...
1/4/2019 11:30:15 AM
Required Court Forms when filing an initial non-divorce application for child support: click here . Required Court Forms when requesting a modification to an existing non-divorce case (if your docket number begins with the letters “FD” or “FV”): click here . Required...
9/30/2021 11:56:10 AM
Web Chat If you have a child support case, you can access an online customer service representative who is available to customers who are viewing their case information on njchildsupport.org . Customers must be logged into their case information to access the web chat s...
8/5/2016 9:04:06 AM
A : The support amount is based on what you earn - not what you spend. For most of us, there is a limit to what we can earn, because of the company we work for, the value of the job(s) we do, or the number of hours in a day. We only have so much control over what we earn. BUT...
6/1/2012 12:38:20 PM
If the non-custodial parent moves out of New Jersey, the Child Support Agency will be able to get an out-of-state employer to take the support amount from his or her wages. If this doesn't work, you need to file a petition asking that the other state enforce your support order...
6/1/2012 12:38:17 PM
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