Child Support and Affordable New Jersey Communities for Homeowners and Renters (ANCHOR) Q: Will the Child Support Program intercept my ANCHOR payment if I owe child support? A: Maybe, depending on how much you owe. If your overdue support is equal to or gre...
3/1/2023 3:11:32 PM
NJ Child Support Customers: Access your case information. To view your case status, 13 months of payment history and up-to-date major case events, please click here . Please be aware that in order to access the requested information, you will leave the NJ Child Support We...
5/17/2012 3:32:34 PM
The New Jersey Child Support Program has many tools available to find the non-custodial parent and will do so within 75 calendar days of determining this is necessary. To locate a non-custodial parent, the child support program can use the State Parent Locator Service ...
7/23/2012 6:14:12 PM
You have the right to get support for your child. However, you may not know where to find the other parent or your former partner may not acknowledge that he is the parent of your child. The Child Support Program has many tools available to find the non-custodial parent. I...
6/4/2012 11:20:19 AM
Child support payments are received and processed by the New Jersey Family Support Payment Center (NJFSPC), a centralized center. Non-custodial parents who are not paying child support through income withholding must make payments as directed by court order, whether weekly...
6/15/2012 1:02:16 PM
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