
NOTICES RELATING TO CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS The obligor (the person who is required to pay child support) must continue to make all payments as ordered by the Court, until the court order is changed or dismissed. To have a court order changed or dismissed, a parent ...
/Resources-Forms/Non-Custodial-Parents/Information-on-Your-Support-Payments/Information-on-Your-Support-Payments 6/22/2012 6:07:14 AM
NOTICES RELATING TO CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS The obligor (the person who is required to pay child support) must continue to make all payments as ordered by the Court, until the court order is changed or dismissed. To have a court order changed or dismissed, a parent ...
/Articles/Information-on-Your-Support-Payments/Information-on-Your-Support-Payments 6/22/2012 6:07:14 AM
EPPICard has transitioned to a Way2Go Prepaid Debit Card for your child support payments.    If you had activity on your EPPICard in the last 18 months*: You received a new Way2Go card on or around October 20, 2021. You must register the new card on
/Services-Programs/Custodial-Parents/Receiving-Child-Support/Prepaid-Debit-Card 10/21/2021 4:30:02 PM
  COVID-19 Impacts Click here for information on COVID-19's impact on the Child Support Program as well as FAQs.     To Report Issues To report any issues with the app, please click here . If you have a question about your child support case, please call the New J...
/Mobile/pages/more-info-content 12/7/2021 10:03:53 AM
User Guide An app user guide is available here .  To Report Issues To report any issues with the app, please click here . If you have a question about your child support case, please call the New Jersey Family Support Services Center at 1-877-NJKIDS1 (655-4321). This for...
/Mobile/pages/More-Info 5/14/2019 3:33:33 PM
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