
Married Parents: When a child is born to married parents, the husband is presumed to be the legal father and his name appears on the child’s birth certificate. In this situation, paternity does not need to be established to proceed with the child support process.   Unmar...
/Resources-Forms/Other-Resources/Family-Issues-Fact-Sheet/Establishing-Paternity 7/23/2012 6:16:15 PM
NJ 2-1-1 NJ 2-1-1 can help you find solutions to personal needs by informing you of resources in your community like day care facilities, shelters, affordable housing units, social services, employment training programs, senior services, medical insurance and more. Learn ...
/Services-Programs/Other-Social-Services/Other-Social-Services/General-Information-and-Directory-Websites 10/30/2013 10:16:48 AM
If you are a parent under the age of 18, you are still responsible for the financial and emotional well-being of your child. Whether you are the custodial parent or non-custodial parent, all the rights, responsibilities and laws explained on this website apply to you. ...
/Services-Programs/Custodial-Parents/Teenage-parents/Teenage-parents 6/4/2012 11:17:02 AM
If you are a parent under the age of 18, you are still responsible for the financial and emotional well-being of your child. Whether you are the custodial parent or non-custodial parent, all the rights, responsibilities and laws explained on this website apply to you. As a...
/Services-Programs/Non-Custodial-Parents/Teenage-parents/Teenage-parents 1/4/2019 11:33:23 AM
  COVID-19 Impacts Click here for information on COVID-19's impact on the Child Support Program as well as FAQs.     To Report Issues To report any issues with the app, please click here . If you have a question about your child support case, please call the New J...
/Mobile/pages/more-info-content 12/7/2021 10:03:53 AM
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