The New Hires Directory is used to locate non-custodial parents and to enforce child support orders. The state keeps this directory of any person who works, or is contracted to work, in New Jersey. Employers must report employees to the State within 20 days of hiring, list...
6/7/2012 7:06:47 PM
NJKiDS is the child support computer system. It stands for New Jersey Kids Deserve Support. This is where we store information about your case. It also keeps a record of all payments that are made or owed. If the non-custodial parent does not pay, NJKiDS automatically starts t...
6/1/2012 12:38:14 PM
Verified Complaint (CS515) Confidential Litigant Information Sheet (CLIS) Financial Statement for Summary Support Actions (CS501) Certification of Non-Military Service (CS507) Paternity Certification (if applicable) (CS503)
9/30/2021 11:57:21 AM
IV-D Application (CS500) Verified Complaint (CS515) Confidential Litigant Information Sheet (CLIS) Financial Statement for Summary Support Actions (CS501) Certification of Non-Military Service (CS507) Paternity Certification (if applicable) (CS503)
9/30/2021 11:55:07 AM
If a parent does not agree that the child is theirs, a genetic test must be done. This simple test can be done with a small sample of saliva. Either parent may request the test. Or, it can be required by the county office or ordered by the court. Both parents and the child...
6/4/2012 11:29:35 AM
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