
User Guide An app user guide is available here .  To Report Issues To report any issues with the app, please click here . If you have a question about your child support case, please call the New Jersey Family Support Services Center at 1-877-NJKIDS1 (655-4321). This for...
/Mobile/pages/More-Info 5/14/2019 3:33:33 PM
A : Sure, but get ready for some heavy reading. The complete text and charts of the Guidelines is more than 100 pages (in full-size type). The Guidelines in NJ are a Court Rule . The Rule number is 5:6A (the actual charts are an Appendix to the Rule, in the the back of...
/Frequent-Questions/FAQs-Folder/Child-Support-Guidelines/Can-I-get-a-copy-of-the-Guidelines 6/1/2012 12:38:19 PM
A : Almost everybody. The law says that the guidelines apply unless a family has more than 6 kids (that's where the charts end). It's the Court's decision whether to apply the Guidelines or make exceptions in special cases. Some examples of special cases are voluntary place...
/Frequent-Questions/FAQs-Folder/Child-Support-Guidelines/Do-the-Guidelines-apply-to-everybody 6/1/2012 12:38:21 PM
Many years ago there was an Emperor so exceedingly fond of new clothes that he spent all his money on being well dressed. He cared nothing about reviewing his soldiers, going to the theatre, or going for a ride in his carriage, except to show off his new clothes. He had a ...
/Resources-Forms/News-Events/Read-with-your-child/DECEMBER-The-Emperor’s-New-Clothes 8/7/2012 7:42:03 PM
If the father agrees that he is the father, he may sign a Certificate of Parentage (COP), which legally proves who the father of a child is. The first opportunity to sign the COP is at the hospital, right after a baby’s birth. Hospital staff can help you complete it...
/Services-Programs/Custodial-Parents/Custodial-Parents/Voluntary-acknowledgement 6/4/2012 11:27:29 AM
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