
Income withholding When the non-custodial parent has regular employment, the preferred method of payment is income withholding, whereby a notice is sent to the employer, indicating the court-ordered amount, including any applicable arrears, to deduct from the non-custodial...
/Resources-Forms/Employers/Information-on-Income-Withholding/Information-on-Income-Withholding 7/23/2012 12:33:19 PM
A : There are a number of steps to calculating child support under the guidelines: Determining income and deductions, using the Guidelines charts, calculating both parents' shares, and taking care of special add-ons, deductions, and poverty tests. All of the steps are very im...
/Frequent-Questions/FAQs-Folder/Child-Support-Guidelines/How-do-they-decide-what-my-fair-share-of-child-sup 6/1/2012 12:38:20 PM
There are two options to pay child support electronically: 1. You can submit payment through the website: . Click on EMPLOYER or OBLIGOR link, create a user ID and a password and submit a payment. In order to pay using this website you will need: em...
/Resources-Forms/Employers/Paying-child-support-electronically/Paying-child-support-electronically 7/23/2012 12:46:42 PM
The Child Support Program would like you to know that health and safety is our first priority. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we would like to inform you of the following:   Child Support payments continue to be processed. The New Jersey Family Support Ser...
/Health-and-Safety 3/20/2020 5:29:24 PM
UPDATE 5/7/09 NOTICE: Why has my regular support amount changed? Your overall support order amount will not change unless your case has recently been modified or a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) has been applied. However, the amount you see in each payment may c...
/Services-Programs/Other-Resources/IMPORTANT-NEW-INFORMATION/IMPORTANT-NEW-INFORMATION 7/23/2012 4:36:57 PM
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