
A : Yes, but to change it, you must go through a process like the one when the child support order was entered. Whoever wants the change must file papers at the Court, and ask for a hearing or conference. The law says that whoever wants the change has to prove that there are ...
/Frequent-Questions/FAQs-Folder/Child-Support-Guidelines/Can-I-change-a-child-support-amount-if-I-need-to 6/1/2012 12:38:21 PM
The law allows you to request your County Board of Social Service Agency to review the amount of your child support order at least once every three years from the date the order is entered or modified by the court. The review is based on the current income of the parents, the ...
/Frequent-Questions/FAQs-Folder/Payments/What-if-I-need-an-increase-in-my-support-order-or 6/1/2012 12:38:17 PM
As a parent about to go through the process of obtaining financial support for your child, you will have to make many decisions, including how to best receive child support. There are several options for obtaining child support: Direct Pay New Jersey C...
/Resources-Forms/Articles/Why-parents-should-apply-for-services-through-the/Why-parents-should-apply-for-services-through-the 6/22/2012 5:34:19 AM
As a parent about to go through the process of obtaining financial support for your child, you will have to make many decisions, including how to best receive child support. There are several options for obtaining child support: Direct Pay New Jersey C...
/Resources-Forms/Custodial-Parents/Why-parents-should-apply-for-services-through-the/Why-parents-should-apply-for-services-through-the 6/22/2012 5:34:19 AM
As a parent about to go through the process of obtaining financial support for your child, you will have to make many decisions, including how to best receive child support. There are several options for obtaining child support: Direct Pay New Jersey C...
/Resources-Forms/Teens-Pre-teens/Why-parents-should-apply-for-services-through-the/Why-parents-should-apply-for-services-through-the 6/22/2012 5:34:19 AM
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