The NJ Office of Child Support & Paternity Programs (OCSPP) realizes that under Operation Enduring Freedom, many of you may be called to active duty, both at home and abroad. First and foremost, we join those who thank you for your service to our country. OCSPP also re...
6/22/2012 7:20:45 AM
Child support payments are received and processed by the New Jersey Family Support Payment Center (NJFSPC), a centralized center. Non-custodial parents who are not paying child support through income withholding must make payments as directed by court order, whether weekly...
6/15/2012 1:02:16 PM
As a parent about to go through the process of obtaining financial support for your child, you will have to make many decisions, including how to best receive child support. There are several options for obtaining child support: Direct Pay New Jersey C...
6/22/2012 5:34:19 AM
As a parent about to go through the process of obtaining financial support for your child, you will have to make many decisions, including how to best receive child support. There are several options for obtaining child support: Direct Pay New Jersey C...
6/22/2012 5:34:19 AM
As a parent about to go through the process of obtaining financial support for your child, you will have to make many decisions, including how to best receive child support. There are several options for obtaining child support: Direct Pay New Jersey C...
6/22/2012 5:34:19 AM
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