If your docket number begins with the letters “FD”: Application for Post Dispositional Relief Confidential Litigant Information Sheet (CLIS) Certification of Non-Military Service (CS507) Financial Statement for Summary Support Actions (CS501) Paternity Certifi...
9/30/2021 11:56:40 AM
In New Jersey, the Child Support Program is supervised by the state Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development, Office of Child Support Services, and is administered in individual counties. Most of your business will be handled at county offices. The coun...
5/17/2012 3:31:35 PM
What is web chat? Do I need a Member ID and PIN to access web chat? What if I don't have a Member ID or PIN? Am I eligible for the live chat? How do I register for web chat? When is web chat available? Is my information kept confidential during the live chat? Engl...
8/8/2016 2:54:37 PM
The enforcement of child support obligations includes: Ensuring that current child support is paid; Collecting past-due child support; Ensuring health care coverage; and Collecting spousal support obligations when spousal support is ordered...
7/23/2012 6:30:46 PM
The NJ Child Support Mobile App was developed and is maintained by Winning Strategies ITS ("WSITS") on behalf of the NJ Department of Human Services, Division of Family Development, Office of Child Support Services. Privacy Notice: What and how the NJ Child Support M...
5/9/2023 10:25:24 AM
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