
To increase compliance with child support orders and to increase collections of child support payments to enable non-custodial parents to meet their responsibilities to their children. To refer non-custodial parents to services provided by the Department of La...
/Resources-Forms/Non-Custodial-Parents/Assistance-with-employment-skills/Purpose-of-the-Program 6/15/2012 1:15:53 PM
A : Sure, but get ready for some heavy reading. The complete text and charts of the Guidelines is more than 100 pages (in full-size type). The Guidelines in NJ are a Court Rule . The Rule number is 5:6A (the actual charts are an Appendix to the Rule, in the the back of...
/Frequent-Questions/FAQs-Folder/Child-Support-Guidelines/Can-I-get-a-copy-of-the-Guidelines 6/1/2012 12:38:19 PM
The program serves those non-custodial parents with child support orders who are unemployed and underemployed who meet the criteria under the Welfare to Work and TANF programs. The program design is two-fold: Enforcement remedy: eligible non-custodial ...
/Services-Programs/Non-Custodial-Parents/Work-Requirements-Judicial-Benchcard-Initiative/Who-do-we-serve 6/15/2012 1:16:51 PM
The program serves those non-custodial parents with child support orders who are unemployed and underemployed who meet the criteria under the Welfare to Work and TANF programs. The program design is two-fold: Enforcement remedy: eligible non-custodial ...
/Resources-Forms/Non-Custodial-Parents/Assistance-with-employment-skills/Who-do-we-serve 6/15/2012 1:16:51 PM
The program serves those non-custodial parents with child support orders who are unemployed and underemployed who meet the criteria under the Welfare to Work and TANF programs. The program design is two-fold: Enforcement remedy: eligible non-custodial ...
/Resources-Forms/Articles/Assistance-with-employment-skills/Who-do-we-serve 6/15/2012 1:16:51 PM
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