UNDER NEW JERSEY’S CHILD SUPPORT PROGRAM, PARENTS HAVE CERTAIN RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. A NON-CUSTODIAL PARENT’S RIGHTS: To be treated professionally with respect To be notified promptly of any action that significantly impacts the child support ca...
6/22/2012 5:52:17 AM
UNDER NEW JERSEY’S CHILD SUPPORT PROGRAM, PARENTS HAVE CERTAIN RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. A NON-CUSTODIAL PARENT’S RIGHTS: To be treated professionally with respect To be notified promptly of any action that significantly impacts the child support ca...
6/22/2012 5:52:17 AM
A : Maybe, but you will need to do your homework! The law says the Court must apply the Guidelines unless there is a very special reason not to use them. If you want an exception made for your case, you must be ready to show the Court the special reason. Some of the reasons...
6/1/2012 12:38:21 PM
If there is an existing Judgment of Divorce (JOD), Property or Marital Settlement Agreement (PSA or MSA), or support order that specifies a termination and/or emancipation date other than the dependent's 19th birthday, that date is still valid and must be honored as long as ...
3/6/2017 4:16:19 PM
The enforcement of child support obligations includes: Ensuring that current child support is paid; Collecting past-due child support; Ensuring health care coverage; and Collecting spousal support obligations when spousal support is ordered...
7/23/2012 6:30:46 PM
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