
NJKiDS is the child support computer system. It stands for New Jersey Kids Deserve Support. This is where we store information about your case. It also keeps a record of all payments that are made or owed. If the non-custodial parent does not pay, NJKiDS automatically starts t...
/Frequent-Questions/FAQs-Folder/General/What-is-NJKiDS 6/1/2012 12:38:14 PM
If you have a U.S. bank account, you can sign up for direct deposit in the Case Information portal.  You will need a bank account number and bank routing number to process the request.  Once approved, your direct deposit will be active the next business day. If further verifi...
/Services-Programs/Custodial-Parents/Direct-deposit/How-to-start-direct-deposit 6/5/2012 7:10:52 PM
If you have a U.S. bank account, you can sign up for direct deposit in the Case Information portal.  You will need a bank account number and bank routing number to process the request.  Once approved, your direct deposit will be active the next business day. If further verifi...
/Case-Information/Direct-Deposit/Direct-deposit/How-to-start-direct-deposit 6/5/2012 7:10:52 PM
UPDATE 5/7/09 NOTICE: Why has my regular support amount changed? Your overall support order amount will not change unless your case has recently been modified or a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) has been applied. However, the amount you see in each payment may c...
/Services-Programs/Other-Resources/IMPORTANT-NEW-INFORMATION/IMPORTANT-NEW-INFORMATION 7/23/2012 4:36:57 PM
What is web chat? Do I need a Member ID and PIN to access web chat? What if I don't have a Member ID or PIN? Am I eligible for the live chat? How do I register for web chat? When is web chat available? Is my information kept confidential during the live chat? Engl...
/Web-Chat/Web-Chat-FAQs 8/8/2016 2:54:37 PM
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